Chris Mayberry
Mayberry Cattle Ranch
Shuqualak, Mississippi
Mayberry Cattle Ranch is a family operation located in Shuqualak, Mississippi, a 45-minute drive west of the Alabama state line. Shuqualak, pronounced “sugar lock,” is the midpoint between Columbus, Mississippi and Meridian, Mississippi.
Chris and Carla Mayberry grew up in families that farmed and lived off the land. Now they are raising two children, Ian (12) and Zoe (7), in the hopes of giving them a purpose and means to continue to help the family farm grow in their way. Ian can remember receiving his first calf from his uncle when he was a baby; Ian’s uncle, “Fat,” is the epitome of a legitimate cowboy. Zoe loves to go with her dad to check on the cows because she likes watching them. Growing up and being around rural living is a lifestyle the family enjoys. The Mayberry family has been in the cattle business for roughly six years and hopes to continue to share their knowledge and steps for starting their business.
Mayberry Ranch partnered with the Winston County Self Help Cooperative and held a field day
in the spring of 2022. They have received assistance from the USDA Farm Service Agency to help develop their farm operation. Chris and Carla Mayberry and their family (grandparents, uncles and other relatives) are committed to training the next generation of farmers.
Selected by Winston County Self Help Cooperative
Frank Taylor